Constipation Causes and Symptoms

constipation is a disorder and disorders of the digestive system characterized by hard bowel movements. constipation is common because of the high water absorption in the intestine so that the feces become dry and hard.

Causes of constipation include:

  1. Habit to withhold or postpone defecation
  2. less eating fibrous foods / low fiber diet (dietary fiber)
  3. Not drinking enough water
  4. Stress and is on its way
  5. Irritable bowel syndrome, colon cancer, and neurological disorders
  6. Less physical activity

Constipation symptoms include:

  1. stomach ache
  2. Headaches accompanied curiosity defecation but not out
  3. Abdominal bloating and hard
  4. No bowel movement for more than 3 days

Constipation can be avoided in many ways. For example by eating plenty of fibrous foods, such as vegetables and fruits, drink plenty of water and do not procrastinate defecation. Disease chronic constipation can lead to Hemaroid.

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