When children under five suffer from constipation, things parents can do to help address this include:
1. Food. To soften the stool and make it easier exit, increase fluid and fiber intake in children every day. Foods rich in fiber include fruits and fruit juices (apple, pear, grapes), green beans, whole wheat bread and cereals. Limit foods that can improve constipation, such as a low-fat diet in fiber.
2. Sports. Make sure the toddler enough play for 30-60 minutes every day. Move your body will help smooth bowel movement
3. Fix Defecation habits. Encourage the children to use the toilet regularly every day, especially after meals or whenever he feels like bowel movements. Let the toddler sitting ditoilet approximately 10 minutes. Put a small bench at the foot so that the toddler can stand toe. Give praise to the child after he Defecating with stickers or anything else that Defecating into a fun habit for him.
4. Drugs. Your doctor may prescribe a medication for the treatment of constipation children. Also discuss when you can stop or change drugs that cause constipation consumption.
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