How to Cope with urination and Constipation Time Pregnant

The changes that occur during pregnancy often result in various health disorders. Even mild annoyance, but it can hamper your activities during pregnancy. If the disorder is ongoing should consult your doctor. Perhaps these disorders are signs of the onset of a serious illness.

Frequent urination
This disorder is one of the early signs of pregnancy. This situation will be repeated again in the final trimester, when the baby's head down into the pelvic cavity. What can be done to overcome this is to: Remove water kecillah to feel your bladder is empty. For that, there are certain postures that can help expedite this process. In the early trimester of pregnancy, this can be done by bending the body. While in the final trimester of pregnancy in a way slightly lifting the navel. Limit drinking, if you are frequently awakened during the night to sleep on this one affair, especially at bedtime. However, that does not mean you have to limit drinking during the day, especially when a lot of physical activity or sweat. Perform Kegel exercises to be able to withstand the excessive discharge of urine. How, with pursed pelvic muscles, and hold, and release again. This exercise can be done while sitting or sleeping.

Usually constipation is characterized by infrequent and difficult bowel movements. This disorder usually also accompanied by a sense of bloating and pain when pushing. All were caused by lack of bending soft muscles so the body's digestive system is affected. This disorder can worsen pregnancy age, the pressure of the enlarged uterus due to the lower digestive tract.

Some of the ways around that is as follows:

  1. Increase consumption of foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts.
  2. Drink water as much as possible, but avoid tea and alcoholic beverages. Eat yogurt, as these foods can maintain your intestinal health.
  3. Never delay the urge to defecate because your actions will only make you increasingly difficult defecation.
  4. Perform Kegel exercises regularly so that blood flow around the pelvis running smoothly.

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