How to cope with constipation during pregnancy

Adverse events during bowel movements is an event that is very uncomfortable and very annoying. Abdominal pain, convulsions and sometimes accompanied by bleeding. This disorder is also known as constipation . Incidence of constipation can be experienced by anyone, not just in the productive age (most) but also in infants, children and the elderly (> 65 years). Apparently women experience constipation more often than men!

Constipation  is a condition where there is a slowdown in the movement of stool in the large intestine, making it difficult to defecate. It is often associated with excessive hardening of the stool so it is difficult to be removed which can cause severe pain to the sufferer.

According to Bradley, the incidence of constipation in pregnant women is more than 50%. Separuhya experienced in the first and second trimester, third trimester decreased and increased again during childbirth. In Indonesia, according to the survey of Indonesian Medical Diagnosis 2007 recorded 64,000 patient comes to the content of the complaints of constipation.

Zarate said constipation symptoms can vary as follows:
(1) No irregular constipation in 7 days less than 3 times
(2) Feeling of incomplete bowel movements when, although every day
(3) constipation
(4) Feeling pain during bowel movements
(5) lower abdominal cramps
(6) It takes a long time when defecating
(7) hard stools
(8) Evacuation faeces manually / using tools
(9) into small round stools like goat droppings.

Constipation during pregnancy can be due to several factors:
(1) an increase in the hormone progesterone, which makes muscle relaxation. The goal is that the uterus does not contract and remain calm throughout the pregnancy, but it is also a muscle relaxant effect on smooth muscle of blood vessels such as muscle and gastrointestinal (stomach and intestines). The result is a slowing of the movement of the colon. The length of the intestinal transit time resulting in the absorption of water by the colon of fecal increasingly large so feces will solidify and harden.
(2) The mechanical stress factors in the intestine due to the growing uterus.
(3) Constipation is also exacerbated by drugs / supplements commonly consumed by pregnant women are iron and calcium containing heavy metals that affect the faecal mass.

During childbirth there are often associated with pain from stitches, difficulty moving or fear of the stitches would burst if a lot of moves
In general, the causes of constipation also appeared to vary., Namely:

  • (1) eat less fiber such as: low-fiber diet, fast food, 
  • 2) Less fluid: avoid drinks cause dehydration such as caffeine, soda, alcohol 
  • (3) Lack of activity: the patient lying long in bed, the elderly, babies 
  • (4) Drugs that contain heavy metals such as ulcer drug / antacids (containing alumuniun, calcium), high blood pressure medications (calcium channel blocker), iron supplements, supplements calcium, muscle contraction or relieving drugs such as anti-pain (narcotics), anti-Parkinson drugs, anti pasmodic, antidepressants, diuretics, anticonvulsants. 
  • (5) The condition in which pregnancy and postpartum hormonal changes and thus enlarging uterus presses intestine 
  • (6) The process of aging (aging) where there is a disturbance in the nervous system and metabolism slowdown that reduced muscle activity digestion 
  • (7) Abuse purgative / laxative that causes dependence (which can happen intestinal muscles "lazy" to work or called Lazy bowel syndrome) 
  • (8) habits when they feel will hold a bowel movement 
  • (9) specific diseases where there is a neurological disorder, metabolic, hormonal which slows the movement of stools. (
  • 10) There is diseases of the colon and rectum: a blockage (obstruction) gut, intestinal adhesions, any injury to the intestinal mucosa, tumor diverticulosis, a mass / tumor on the bowel, narrowing of the intestine, colorectal hirchsprung disease 
  • (11) Psychic: stress and depression

If not handled properly constipation can lead to complications such as hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids), fissures ani (the wounds of the rectum due to large, hard stools), with the onset of fistula ani infected wounds can form channels in the rectum, which contains pus, even at continuing constipation can lead to colon cancer

Well how about prevention and treatment of constipation? The most important and foremost a healthy lifestyle modifications, namely: household consumption of foods high in fiber (from vegetables and fruits), drink plenty of water 2-3 liters per day (and avoiding caffeine, soft drinks, alcohol, and many moves (can coupled by latiha Kegel to strengthen the pelvic muscles.) If necessary discuss medications taken by doctors. If not well managed it is sometimes necessary assistance medicines. drugs used should be effective, work fast, safe, convenient to use and works locally in the rectum which serves to soften and lubricate the stool.

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