Treating Candida Yeast Infection with Probiotics

Candida is a type of yeast-like fungus that grows in the gut, mouth, skin and vagina. When Candida begin to multiply out of control, it can lead to infection of the mucous membranes.

Excessive proliferation of Candida can be caused by several factors: a weak immune system, the use of antibiotics, cancer, AIDS, serious burns, and poor diet.

Excessive mold growth in the digestive tract can be treated with probiotics.

Know Probiotics

Probiotics are nutritional supplements that contain live bacteria that can colonize the human gastrointestinal tract and prevent the overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

In addition, probiotics can balance the overall state of health, and strengthen the immune system. Certain beneficial probiotics to treat various disorders such as urinary tract infections and infections due to Candida.

Candida Infection Symptoms

Although Candida albicans is naturally present in the human body, but if growth is excessive, it can cause a variety of health problems, which are often undiagnosed.

Some of the symptoms that usually occur include bloating, abdominal pain, fatigue, headaches, alcoholism, anxiety, diarrhea, mood swings, constipation, inability to concentrate, skin irritation, muscle weakness, indigestion, sore throat, and joint pain.

Lactobacillus acidophilus

Acidophilus is one of a series of the most common probiotics. Lactobacillus acidophilus to cure and prevent its ability to inhibit the proliferation of candida bacteria and fungal pathogens.
Lactobacillus acidophilus is also able to prevent fungal infections of the mouth, throat, and vagina. In addition, Lactobacillus Acidophilus can help break down the food to be more easily digested and prevent diarrhea due to infection.

In the end, Lactobacillus Acidophilus can reduce the risk of irritable bowel syndrome and increase the absorption of lactose.


Bifidobacteria are one of a series of friendly probiotics can inhibit the growth of Candida.

This type of probiotics promote the production of hydrogen peroxide, lactic acid, and acetic acid, all of which increase the acidity of the intestinal tract, thus being suitable environment for the growth of candida and other harmful bacteria.

Bifidobacteria also help repair damage to the lining of the intestinal tract and strengthens the immune system.

Tips Using Probiotics

The best time to take probiotics is on an empty stomach, or at least thirty minutes before a meal.

Make sure you choose a supplement that contains live bacteria and check the expiration dates on the packaging label. Store supplements in the fridge to make it more durable.

Consider getting a probiotic supplement with an enteric coating that maintains its maximum potential of damage caused by stomach acid.

Probiotic dose measured in the amount (in billions) living organisms are contained in a single daily dose. The recommended daily dose is usually about five to ten billion

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