# 4572
Earlier today I was alerted that the Revere’s at Effect Measure, after more than five years and more than 3500 blogs, would be `closing up shop’.
Nothing lasts forever, of course. But that doesn’t remove the palpable tinge of sadness that comes with this news.
Five plus years is a long run on the Internet, particularly given the number of in-depth blogs that have graced the two incarnations of Effect Measure. It takes a lot of work – and a lot of your life – to keep a serious blog going day-in and day-out over the years.
The Reveres will apparently continue to contribute from time to time to The Pump Handle, and so they really aren’t going away.
But we shall miss them just the same.
They’ve been very kind to this blogger over the years, and much of what I’ve learned about the science behind influenza was derived from their writings. They leave behind a veritable treasure trove of good science information.
I’m very grateful to them on a multitude of levels.
There will be more details in the week to come, but here is the farewell message from the Reveres.
We bid you farewell
It's been a long time coming but the time has come. Effect Measure is closing up shop, after 5 and a half years, 3 million visits and 5.1 million page views of some 3500. You commented on them some 37,000 times. It's been a grand ride but to all things there is a season. It's time to simplify my life and while my family has had me all along, at times science got short shrift. Now my time is getting short and I want to turn my attention to my research, the other polar star of my life. "Revere" will continue to post occasionally on Effect Measure's successor site, The Pump Handle (TPH), which will hold down the public health anchor position after EM is gone. We'll provide more details later this week when we officially hand off this spot to our friends and colleagues at TPH. Our archive will be folded into theirs, with details to follow when they are firmed up.
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