Weekly Roundup Of FluBlogia




# 4238



Continuing an experiment today.


Several times over the past month I’ve offered a recap of some of the stories from the previous week (or so) that caught my eye in Flublogia.   Today we continue in that vein.


This will be a subjective list of things that I found of interest, and is by no means intended to recap all of the news reports or mention every worthy blog post out there.  It is more of a sampling.


My apologies for the good stories I may miss.  In no particularly order . . .



First stop today is a podcast from Vincent Racaniello et. al. via TWiV (This week in Virology).   The January 2nd edition was a fascinating countdown of the top 10 virology stories of 2009.  


Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Alan Dove, and Rich Condit  You can Download TWiV #64 (68 MB .mp3, 94 minutes).


You can also hear Professor Racaniello interviewed on Radio Sandy Springs by Sharon Sanders of FluTrackers, when the archive of last week’s broadcast is posted.  That should happen early this week, and should be located here.



Next is a terrific series by one of the`Reveres’ on Effect Measure about our reliance on Randomized Trials in science, and why they may not always beat out observational studies in scientific research.


Randomized trial versus observational study challenge

Randomized trial versus observational study challenge, II: meta-comments

Randomized trial versus observational study challenge, III: metaphysics

Randomized trial versus observational study challenge, IV: causation, concluded


Maryn McKenna writing on her Superbug Blog brought us important stories about :


Warning on ST398: Monitor this now

Questioning meat-raising and meat-eating — in eat-everything France

MRSA in pets - a closer look


Crof at Crofsblog continues to provide the best day-to-day coverage of flu news, although he took a well deserved few days off this week.  It is good to have him back, though.



As always, I am heavily reliant on the newshounds on the flu forums (I frequent Flu Wiki and FluTrackers) which continue to provide the best stream of raw news and information on emerging infectious diseases from around the world. 


CIDRAP News provides excellent coverage and analysis of H1N1 and other disease news, and I can think of no better example of their in-depth reporting than Lisa Schnirring’s recent piece entitled Fall flu wave tested pediatric hospitals with tough choices.


CIDRAP’s Novel H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) overview was updated on Friday (Jan 8th) and remains arguably the best, and most current fount of pandemic flu information on the web.


With Bird flu heating up in Indonesia, we once again find our attention drawn to the excellent work done by Ida at the Bird Flu Information Corner.  A joint venture between Kobe University in Japan and the Institute of Tropical Disease, Airlangga University, Indonesia – BFIC monitors news reports in the Indonesian press and provides English translations.


On Tuesday of last week, Kathy Freston of the Huffington Post interviewed Dr. Michael Greger about the potential of seeing a more virulent pandemic arise from factory farming practices.


And here at AFD you’ll find nearly 30 entries since New Years Day.  Some you may be interested in checking out include:


Sandman On Flu Risks For Seniors
Influenza’s Gastrointestinal Connection
Fluing The Friendly Skies (Revisited)
Mixing Vessels For Influenza
The Rise Of Emerging Infectious Diseases

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