PBS MediaShift Looks At Flu Bloggers



# 4132



A number of weeks ago I was contacted by Simon Owens who writes for, among other venues,  PBS’s Mediashift website.   He told me he was doing a piece on Flu Bloggers, and asked if I’d consent to an interview.  


We spoke for about 20 minutes on the phone later that day.

Today that a bit of that interview, along with terrific interviews with Crof at Crofsblog and Vince Racaniello at the Virology Blog, appears on the Mediashift website.


Can H1N1 Flu Bloggers Help Battle Pandemic Misinformation?


by Simon Owens

Vincent Racaniello, a professor of microbiology at Columbia University Medical Center, remembers the last flu pandemic, which occurred in 1968. "It's a great contrast [with today], because back then you had to wait weeks for information, and the only way you got it was through newspapers and scientific journals, and now of course we have instant dissemination of everything," Racaniello... more »

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