# 6108
When I saw the reports on Friday about India’s Health Ministry’s attempts to downplay reports of totally drug resistant tuberculosis, I was immediately reminded of the old joke about the doctor who couldn’t cure you, but for a small fee he’d touch up your X-rays.
Today, Maryn McKenna takes a closer look at India’s denials (which are similar to the official reaction we saw last year over NDM-1) in her Superbug Blog.
Follow the link to read:
TDR-TB: The Indian Government Denies It
- By Maryn McKenna
- January 29, 2012
An update to the news two weeks ago of totally drug-resistant tuberculosis, TDR-TB, being identified in India (and earlier in Italy and Iran): The Indian government has announced that it doesn’t exist, and is putting pressure on the physicians who identified it to say they made a mistake.
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