Superbug Blog Honored



# 4321



As I pointed out in Contrarians At The Gate, good science and health coverage is often overshadowed by tabloid style reporting (a polite euphemism, to be sure).


So I’m always quick to point out the good stuff.


For the second time in the past few months, Maryn McKenna’s superb Superbug Blog has been named a Top 50 blog by a health related website.  It is a well deserved honor.



SUPERBUG named a Top 50 public health blog


Constant readers, the website The Science of Health has named SUPERBUG one of its Top 50 public health blogs. I'm flattered to say we're in excellent company — the other blogs listed there are very good. Please go take a look.


Last October Maryn’s blog was similarly honored by as one of the "50 Excellent Public Health Blogs" on the Internet. 


Kudos also extend to Effect Measure and The Pump Handle, along with 47 other deserving honorees.  If you haven’t checked them out, you should.  There’s a lot of good reading in both of these lists.


And a reminder – Maryn’s book SUPERBUG:The Fatal Menace of MRSA is due out on March 23rd, and can be pre-ordered now from   


I’ve already ordered my copy, and look forward to its arrival.

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