CBS News On `The Danish Experiment’




# 4342


The CBS Evening News with Katie Couric aired part II of their look at antibiotic use on factory farms last night, and featured a close look at the `Danish Experiment’ – a move in Denmark away from routine administration of antibiotics to pigs which began 14 years ago.


Since then, the whole of the European Union has adopted this model, although American pork producers are resistant to the idea. 


As most of my readers are aware, the worrisome increase in antibiotic resistant bacteria in humans has, increasingly, been linked to the over-use of antibiotics on the farm. 


This is a story that Maryn McKenna on the Superbug blog has been covering for years, and I can think of no better resource on the subject.



If you missed last night’s report, it is available on the CBS News site, and the transcript is available HERE.



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