Video: Maryn McKenna On Antibiotic Resistance




# 6163


Short of seeing a 1918-level or worse pandemic, I’ve little doubt that the rise of antibiotic resistant bacteria will be the number one public health story of the next couple of decades.


While MRSA was the big concern 3 or 4 years ago, today we are seeing the rise and geographic spread of NDM-1, extremely drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB), along with an expanding array of Carbapenemases  – bacteria that are resistant to the Carbapenem class of antibiotics.



Journalist, author, and everybody’s favorite scary disease girl Maryn McKenna produced a terrific book on the subject of antibiotic resistance in 2010, called SUPERBUG: The Fatal Menace Of MRSA


You can read my review of it HERE. Maryn is also the author of Beating Back The Devil, the inside story of the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service.  


All of which puts Maryn on the top of the list of people you’d want to include in any documentary on antibiotic resistance. As it happens, UJI Films is working on exactly that; a film scheduled to be release later this year called RESISTANCE.


We’ve a bit of a preview this morning, by way of a 4-minute excerpt from the film featuring Maryn. You’ll also find several other short film clips on the resistancethefilm Youtube Channel, as well.



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