Clumps of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Magnified 2390x. – Credit CDC PHIL
# 6211
Author, journalist, and blogger Maryn McKenna is Flublogia’s resident expert on everything antimicrobial resistant, and is the author of Superbug: The Fatal Menace of MRSA.
This morning she has written about the cluster of flu-related deaths in Calvert County Maryland that has captured out attention this week.
Yesterday, new details emerged that suggest that a form of MRSA (or necrotizing) pneumonia served as a deadly co-infection in these deaths (see CIDRAP: MRSA Pneumonia Suspected In Calvert County Flu Cluster).
While we await further lab and autopsy results on this unusual and tragic story, Maryn gives us the short course in this emerging, and often lethal, complication of flu.
Flu Infections And MRSA Deaths In Maryland
- By Maryn McKenna March 9, 2012 |
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