CBS Covers Antibiotic Overuse In Farming



# 4339



Last night Katie Couric of the CBS Evening News began a 2-part look at the use of antibiotics on factory farms, and the risks of creating and spreading resistant strains of bacteria.  


Part 2 airs tonight.


But if you missed it, the 7-minute segment is available online.


Maryn McKenna, whose book Superbug is due out the end of next month, has been following this story for years of course.  Her Superbug blog is a tremendous repository of information on MRSA, and the dangers of antibiotic overuse.


Maryn has written two blogs in the past couple of days on factory farming, MRSA, and the CBS report.


CBS antibiotics and farming package, day one
Farming and antibiotics - and voices from the ag side


A trip through the Superbug Blog archives will turn up dozens of other posts on this topic.


Highly recommended.

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