WHO: Wild Poliovirus Confirmed In China



# 5802



Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region Photo Credit- Wikipedia



The World Health Organization has posted a statement today on their Global Alert and Response (GAR) page regarding 4 cases of poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) detected in toddlers during the month of July in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region of China


For the significance of this report you can’t do better than Maryn McKenna’s excellent report on her Superbug blog  from two days ago called Borders are Irrelevant: Polio Returns to China.



The WHO statement reads:



Wild poliovirus confirmed in China

1 September 2011 - The Ministry of Health, China, has informed WHO that wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) has been isolated from four young children, aged between four months and two years, with onset of paralysis between 3 and 27 July 2011. All four cases are from Hetian prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, China. Genetic sequencing of the isolated viruses indicates they are genetically-related to viruses currently circulating in Pakistan. The last WPV case in China was reported in 1999, due to an importation from India. The last indigenous polio case occurred in China in 1994.


A national team of clinicians, laboratory experts, epidemiologists and public health experts has been dispatched to the affected region, to assist in the investigation and planning of response activities, and this team will be joined by international support as required. National, Xinjiang autonomous region and local public health authorities are currently conducting an epidemiological investigation, including collection of stool specimens from contacts and evaluation of vaccine coverage.


The Ministry of Health plans to conduct an initial response vaccination campaign in early September, targeting 3.8 million children aged under 15 years in the key affected outbreak area, and children aged under 5 years in other areas of Xinjiang. This website will be updated as more information becomes available.

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