UK: HPA Weekly Pandemic Flu Update



# 4233




The HPA (Health Protection Agency) of the UK releases surveillance data not unlike that we get from the CDC’s FluView and Canada’s FluWatch reports.


Like the US, Canada, and much of western Europe, the numbers in the UK (consultations, illnesses, hospitalizations) are all decreasing.


Out of more than 4,600 viruses test, only 33 showed the H275Y Tamiflu (oseltamivir) resistance mutation.   Or less than 1%.





Weekly pandemic flu media update

8 January 2010


  • Most indicators show that flu activity is continuing to decrease across the UK. Some caution must be exercised, however, as the indicators may be influenced by the holiday period.
  • The consultation rate for flu-like illness in England from the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) scheme has decreased to 11.2 per 100,000 in week 53 compared to 12.7 in week 52. This is below the English baseline threshold of 30/100,000.
  • With GP consultations for flu-like illness now below the usual seasonal baseline, the trend estimates previously produced on a weekly basis are no longer appropriate.

In weeks 52/53 (averaged to the week ending 03 January) GP consultation rates for flu-like illness in England have shown a decrease compared to the previous week (24.7 per 100,000 in week 51, 12.7 per 100,000 in week 52 to 11.2 per 100,000 in week 53) which is below the English baseline threshold of 30/100,000.


Figure 1: Current estimated weekly RCGP consultation rates of flu-like illness

Figure 1: Current estimated weekly RCGP consultation rates of flu-like illness

Figure 4: QSurveillance influenza-like illness rate by age band in week 53 (ending 3 January)

Figure 4: QSurveillance influenza-like illness rate by age band in week 53 (ending 3 January)

The latest weekly flu-like illness rates show that the highest flu-like illness consultation rates remain in the <1 and 1-4 year-old age bands. Compared with week 52, rates have decreased in all age bands except the 65-74 year group which show a slight increase.




To date (as of 6 January 2010) 4,640 viruses have been analysed by the HPA Centre for Infections for the genetic marker commonly associated with resistance to oseltamivir in seasonal H1N1 flu (H274Y). 33 viruses have been found to carry this marker in the UK with three of these, through additional testing, showing evidence of resistance when viral growth is tested in the presence of oseltamivir. These viruses are still sensitive to zanamivir. In addition, 293 specimens have been fully tested for susceptibility to antivirals.

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