CDC Fungal Meningitis Update – Oct 17th


# 6640


The CDC updated their case counts for the multistate steroid-injection-related fungal meningitis outbreak this afternoon, showing 14 new cases diagnosed and 4 additional deaths.




*245 cases of fungal meningitis, stroke due to presumed fungal meningitis, or other central nervous system-related infection meeting the outbreak case definition, plus 2 peripheral joint infections (e.g., knee, hip, shoulder, elbow). No deaths have been associated with peripheral joint infections.




While there aren’t any new clinical or patient guidance docs posted on the CDC site today, we are seeing press announcements coming from individual State Health Departments around the nation, including:



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE      October 17, 2012          


TALLAHASSEE – The Florida Department of Health (DOH) has confirmed a third death as a result of the fungal meningitis outbreak associated with contaminated steroids.  


Health officials contact Idaho clinics about possible infections related to expanded meningitis investigation


posted on October 16, 2012 16:47

The Idaho Division of Public Health is contacting nine Idaho medical facilities that may have received injectable drugs from New England Compounding Center (NECC) since May 2012 that could pose a potential risk for infection or meningitis. The nine clinics are being urged to contact their patients who may have received injections to make certain they do not have symptoms of infection and to report any new symptoms.


For Immediate release - October 16, 2012

Statement of Dr. Madeleine Biondolillo, Director of the Bureau for Health Care Safety and Quality at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health on October 15, 2012 regarding the ongoing NECC investigation

“As part of our comprehensive response, DPH secured a recall of all NECC products and a surrender of the company’s license to operate immediately following the outbreak. We worked with our partners in the FDA and CDC to promptly notify all providers that they should isolate and remove all NECC products from their supply. Today FDA advised out of an abundance of caution that patients who have received any injectable products from NECC should be notified of the potential risk of infection. DPH is working to promptly conduct notifications with providers in Massachusetts now. The FDA has not confirmed that additional meningitis cases are connected to other NECC products at this point, and the investigation is ongoing. There are no known cases of fungal meningitis in the Commonwealth.”


Health officials contacting clinics in state to urge them to contact patients who received other NECC drugs possibly associated with fungal infections

129 clinics received the products

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