Coronavirus – Credit CDC PHIL
# 6734
No sooner did we learn of a new coronavirus case out of Germany this morning (see RKI: Another Coronavirus Case Treated In Germany), we get this update from the World Health Organization indicating at least 6 cases have now been identified and others are being tested.
We also have what may constitute the first epidemiologically linked cluster of cases, with four family members experiencing similar symptoms, with two of them dying.
One of the family members, who is recovering, tested negative for the coronavirus, while two others were positive. Test results are awaited on the fourth (fatal) case.
With a new virus, we don’t have much of a track record to establish the sensitivity of the tests, so a negative result may not truly be negative. Obviously the mechanism of how this cluster came to be is of great interest, since we’ve heard repeated claims that there is no evidence of human-to-human spread.
This from the World Health Organization.
Novel coronavirus infection - update
23 November 2012 - WHO has been notified of four additional cases, including one death, due to infection with the novel coronavirus. The additional cases have been identified as part of the enhanced surveillance in Saudi Arabia (3 cases, including 1 death) and Qatar (1 case). This brings the total of laboratory confirmed cases to 6.
Investigations are ongoing in areas of epidemiology, clinical management, and virology, to look into the likely source of infection, the route of exposure, and the possibility of human-to-human transmission of the virus. Close contacts of the recently confirmed cases are being identified and followed-up.
So far, only the two most recently confirmed cases in Saudi Arabia are epidemiologically linked - they are from the same family, living in the same household. Preliminary investigations indicate that these 2 cases presented with similar symptoms of illness. One died and the other recovered.
Additionally, 2 other members of this family presented with similar symptoms of illness, where one died and the other is recovering. Laboratory results of the fatal case is pending, while the case that is recovering tested negative for the novel coronavirus.
WHO continues to work with the governments of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other international health partners to gain a better understanding of the novel coronavirus and the disease in humans. Further epidemiological and scientific studies are needed to better understand the virus.
WHO encourages all Member States to continue their surveillance for severe acute respiratory infections (SARI) and is currently reviewing the case definition and other guidance related to the novel coronavirus. Until more information is available, it is prudent to consider that the virus is likely more widely distributed than just the two countries which have identified cases. Member States should consider testing of patients with unexplained pneumonias for the new coronavirus even in the absence of travel or other associations with the two affected countries. In addition, any clusters of SARI or SARI in health care workers should be thoroughly investigated regardless of where in the world they occur.
Of the 6 laboratory confirmed cases reported to WHO, 4 cases (including 2 deaths) are from Saudi Arabia and 2 cases are from Qatar.
Helen Branswell of the Canadian Press has just published a report on this latest development, which you can read at:
Four new cases of coronavirus infection: WHO
By Helen Branswell The Canadian Press
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The World Health Organization says it has been informed of four additional infections with the new coronavirus, including two people in one family in Saudi Arabia.
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