Referral: Crof On BC’s Pandemic Plans



# 3803



Crawford Kilian, aka Crof of Crofsblog, also writes for  The Tyee – an Independent daily newsmagazine covering news, culture, and events important to British Columbia, and beyond.


Today Crof takes a hard look at the BC pandemic plan. 



How Good is the BC Pandemic Plan?


If swine flu hits hard here, what the province can and will do is sketchy. Read for yourself.


By Crawford Kilian, Today,

The first thing we need to understand about the provincial pandemic plan is that it's over four years old.


That speaks well for our health system's foresight, but you'd think they would have updated it a bit since H1N1 broke out last spring.


Even so, it's a pretty grim document. This is how it foresees the impact of a pandemic on four million British Columbians:

BC's Official Pandemic Plan

The document posted on the web hasn't been changed in four years. You can read it here.


Over 3 million of us infected. Up to 1.8 million of us clinically ill. Up to 610,000 visiting a healthcare provider. About 18,500 needing hospital care. As many as 6,800 of us dying from flu or its complications.


(Continue . . . )

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