Two Referrals For the Price Of One



# 4528



I confess that I am a bit of a science geek, although in truth, my level of understanding of most of these subjects is about a yard wide and only a half an inch deep.  Still, I enjoy reading selected articles from science journals and the works of a number of science bloggers.


Two of my favorites are Professor Vincent Racaniello’s Virology Blog and Ian York’s Mystery Rays blog.


Today both are dealing with viral mysteries, and if your reading tastes run in that direction, you may find them as fascinating as I did.


First, Vincent Racaniello brings us the story of a plant virus that would rather switch than fight, in: 


A plant virus that switched to vertebrates

by Vincent Racaniello on 26 April 2010



And then Ian York delves into a question I’ve had for some time; how many variants (mutations) of a flu virus are produced when a host becomes infected? 


Influenza variations

By iayork



Interesting reading to satisfy the inner science geek in all of us.

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