HHS Webcast Today For Parents & Child Care Providers


# 3711



The HHS is running another in their series of  Know what to do about Flu webcasts today, this time focusing on parents and child care providers.




Know What to Do About the Flu Webcast – Parents And Child Care Providers

Join us 1-2 p.m. EDT Wednesday, September 9, as we talk with experts about how parents and child care providers can prevent or reduce the spread of the flu. Join the discussion by sending questions or comments to hhsstudio@hhs.gov.


The program will be broadcast live here on the Flu.gov home page.



Previous webcasts are archived and available for viewing on Flu.gov’s archive page and on Youtube on the USGOVHHS’s video channel.


Know What to Do About the Flu Webcast Archive

This series of Webcasts brings in experts to discuss how the federal government is preparing and responding to the flu outbreak. Questions from the American people are answered by the panel during each broadcast.

August 27, 2009

Pregnant Women and New Moms


  • Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, HHS
  • Tina Chin, White House Council on Women
  • Rear Admiral Anne Schuchat, CDC
  • Dr. Tony Fauci, National Institutes of Health/NIAD
  • Dr. Laura Riley, OB/GYN - Mass General Hospital
  • Tina Johnson, American College of Midwives




August 20, 2009

Business Guidance


  • Dr. Toby Merlin, CDC
  • Dr. Till Jolly, DHS
  • Travis Sullivan, DOC
  • Ann Beauchesne, U.S. Chamber of Congress




August 4, 2009

H1N1 Response Status Update


  • Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, HHS
  • Secretary Janet Napolitano, DHS
  • Secretary Arne Duncan, DoEd
  • Rear Admiral Anne Schuchat, CDC



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