# 6392
This weekend, and running through Tuesday June 19th, the 112th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology is being held in San Francisco. The 306 page Final Program, with details on the participants, schedules, scientific sessions, poster sessions, and other details may be downloaded from ASM2012 Website.
For those of us not fortunate enough to be able to attend, today, tomorrow and Tuesday there are live webcasts (almost immediately available on the MicrobeWorld Youtube Channel) featuring interviews with presenters and discussions on some of the hottest topics at this year’s meeting.
Clicking on the schedule above will take you to not only this year’s schedule, but an archive of videos from last year’s meeting.
The first three sessions - hosted by Stanley Maloy, Chair of the Communications Committee for the ASM - are already completed, and available for viewing.
Sunday, June 17
Katherine Lemon, The Forsyth Institute and Boston Children's Hospital
Karina Pokusaeva, Baylor College of Medicine
Watch Now! 11:00 a.m. PDT – ASM Live – Microbial Analysis of Environmental Surfaces in Hotel Rooms
Katie Kirsch, University of Houston
See ASM Press Release The most contaminated surfaces in hotel rooms for additional information.
Watch Now! 12:00 p.m. PDT – When Good Bugs Go Bad: Microbiome Dynamics and Disease
Lita Proctor, National Human Genome Research Inst/NIH
Forest Rohwer, San Diego State University
Karen Guillemin, University of Oregon
The mapping of the Human Microbiome was big news this past week (see NIH: News From The Human Microbiome Project), and so it is not surprising that several of these webcasts will deal with the trillions of microbes that inhabit - and largely co-exist - in our bodies.
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