# 3712
I get some of my best blog ideas from my readers, and today is no exception. A request from Phytosleuth sent me on a search for hand washing posters from around the net.
All downloadable, printable, and suitable for framing.
First, from the Massachusetts Department of Health and Human Services website, we get posters for adults and children, available in multiple languages.
Did You Wash Your Hands? Poster Size: 11" x 14"
- Did You Wash Your Hands? in Chinese (PDF) | RTF
- Did You Wash Your Hands? in English (PDF) | Word
- Did You Wash Your Hands? in French (PDF) | RTF
- Did You Wash Your Hands? in Haitian Creole (PDF) | RTF
- Did You Wash Your Hands? in Portuguese (PDF) | RTF
- Did You Wash Your Hands? in Spanish (PDF) | RTF
- Did You Wash Your Hands? in Vietnamese (PDF) | RTF
Handwashing Poster (Kids)
The CDC’s Germ stoppers page has a number of posters, like the one above, to remind us all to cover our coughs and sneezes, and wash our hands.
And from the USDA Food Safety website, we get this assortment of posters, also suitable for framing .
Use the signs and posters featured here to remind your children and staff about the importance of hand washing. Be sure to also view hand washing signs and posters for school food service professionals.
All Hands Need To Wash
Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service.
Includes brief, motivational facts and figures about handwashing practices, handwashing procedures, and when to wash hands.
Be a Germ Buster- Wash Your Hands! (PDF|864 KB)
Washington State Department of Health.
Uses large illustrations to show proper hand washing steps. Available in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English, Hindi, Korean, Nepalese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.
Be a Germ Stopper!
DHHS. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Promotional poster for preventing the spread of germs through proper hand washing.
Clean Hands Campaign Poster
American Society for Microbiology.
Reinforces the message that handwashing is the most important means of preventing the spread of infection.
Hand Hygiene Posters and Resources
Minnesota Department of Health.
Posters covering when to wash, bacterial growth on hands, cross-contamination, soap use, handwashing procedures, and general handwashing reminders.
Handwashing Posters
National Food Service Management Institute.
Several various handwashing posters covering different aspects of hand hygiene. These materials are tailored to various audiences and are also all available in Spanish.
Patient Education Materials and Resources
Massachusetts Medical Society.
Includes a handwashing procedure poster reminding people that "Handwashing is the Best Way to Prevent the Spread of Infection."
The SOPE: Handz Best Friend
The SOPE Project.
Features SOPE the dog, "Handz Best Friend." Provides brief facts about handwashing throughout the border. Available in both English and Spanish.
Wash Those Hands!
University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension.
Hand washing posters for children, older youth, and adults. Includes a matching table tent, as well as a bilingual poster in English and Spanish. Available in color or in black and white for reproduction purposes.
And thanks, Phytosleuth for being my Muse today.
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