Causes and treatment of diarrhea in baby

DIARRHEA is a disease that is often experienced by baby and young children, especially ages 12 to 24 months. If your baby or child's mother experiences a sudden change in bowel movements than usual, both the frequency / amount of waste water to be frequently in and out in a liquid than a solid consistency, then the child is most likely positively affected by diarrhea.

Diarrhoeal diseases can not be taken lightly, because if ongoing can cause dehydration and harmful to the body organs. persistent diarrhea. In an effort to prevent the gentlemen need to understand very well what is diarrhea and what is the cause of the infants and toddlers experiencing diarrhea.

Diarrhea is not a disease that comes along. Usually there is a trigger diarrhea. In general, here are some of the causes of diarrhea, namely:

Infection by bacteria and parasites (vibrio cholera, salmonella, giardiasis).
Attack virus (rotavirus).
Allergies to foods, formula or food poisoning.
Infection by bacteria or viruses that accompany other diseases such as measles, ear infections, throat infections, malaria, etc..
Artificial sweeteners.
Symptoms of diarrhea or diarrhea is watery stools with a frequency of 4 x or more a day, which is sometimes accompanied by:

Board lethargic or weak
baby diarrhea
No appetite
Blood and mucus in feces
In addition, there are several symptoms that can be used as a guide to determine what the cause of diarrhea in infants, namely:
how do you stop diarrhea
1. If diarrhea occurs accompanied by vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, chills, achiness, then chances are there is a problem in gastroenteritis (digestive). If accompanied by the presence of blood in stools likely due to bacterial infection.

2. Diarrhea occurs after consuming infant formula milk or too much of certain foods, possible diarrhea caused by problems with food or milk.

3. Diarrhea accompanied by abdominal bloating, gas and impurities such as oily, probably caused by a parasitic infection.

4. Diarrhea occurred after the baby is taking certain medications such as antibiotics or other drugs, chances are due to the side effects of the drugs consumed.

5. Diarrhea accompanied by vomiting, excessive sweating, fatigue, seizures, and make the baby becomes unconscious, something probably caused by poisoning. If the baby is unconscious or having difficulty breathing, you should immediately bolt to the hospital.

6. The baby becomes fussy after feeding, abdominal bloating, diarrhea and dirt cause odor, probably caused by lactose intolerance or who can not tolerate lactose in the milk.

7. If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting appear, itching, nasal congestion, swelling, shortness of breath, wheezing, difficulty swallowing and the onset of rash on the skin, caused by food allergies kemunginan consumed by infants.

8. Diarrhea with a feeling of bloating or gaseous, vomiting, colic, bloody feces, refusing to eat, coughing, wheezing and symptoms occur about 45 minutes after consuming milk, probably due to infant can not tolerate the protein contained in the milk.

9. The baby becomes fussy, crying, pulling at the ears, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, no appetite and yellow discharge from the ear or white, probably caused by an infection in the ear.

10. Chronic diarrhea, impaired growth, cough accompanied with a whimper, sigh breath or wheezing, probably caused by the disease cystic fibrosis.

Diarrheal disease transmission is contact with infected feces directly, such as:

Food and beverages that have been contaminated, either already contaminated by insects or contamination by dirty hands.
Playing with toys that are contaminated, especially in infants often include hand / toy / whatever into the mouth. Because the virus can survive on the surface of the air for several days.
Use of contaminated water and boil the water properly.
Washing and the use of unclean milk bottles.
Do not wash hands thoroughly after defecation or cleaning feces of infected children, thus contaminating the furniture and equipment held.

Treatment of Diarrhe
Because the cause of acute diarrhea / diarrhea sudden common is a virus, then there is NO treatment that can cure, because it usually resolves itself after a few days. Then the diarrhea treatment is aimed at treating existing symptoms and prevent dehydration or lack of fluids. Acute diarrhea can be cured ONLY to continue feeding as normal and drinks / fluid enough alone.

The thing to remember is NOT prescribe medication to stop the diarrhea, because diarrhea itself is a defense mechanism of the body to remove contaminated food from the intestines. Trying to stop diarrhea with medications such as clogging the pipeline that will go out and cause reflux and will exacerbate the channel.

Because of the diarrhea is a defense mechanism of the body to heal itself after a few days - (14 days) where the diarrhea more features - from water (watery) started berampas, reduced its frequency and recovered. The important thing is to prevent and resolve diarrhea symptoms of dehydration.

Diarrhea Prevention

Forward Giving breast milk
Note the cleanliness and balanced nutrition for the provision of complementary foods after 6 months old baby.
Because direct contact transmission of feces through the hands / insects, then keep clean by making handwashing habits for the entire family. Wash hands before eating or providing food for the little one.
Remember to maintain the cleanliness of the food we eat or drink. Also the cleanliness of dining furniture or playground equipment child.

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