an easy way to identify the cause of diarrhea

Diarrhea is not a disease that comes along. diet for diarrhea.Usually there is a trigger diarrhea. In general, here are some of the causes of diarrhea, namely:

  • Infection by bacteria, viruses or parasites.
  • Allergies to certain foods or drugs.
  • Infection by bacteria or viruses that accompany other diseases such as measles, ear infections, throat infections, malaria, etc..
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • diarrhea after eating

Based on meta-analysis in the world, every child has diarrhea at least once every year. Of every five children were coming from diarrhea, one of them due to rotavirus. Then, of the 60 children who were hospitalized due to diarrhea as well as one in which rotavirus.what to do for diarrhea

mostly diarrhea in infants and children caused by rotavirus infection. Bacteria and parasites can also cause diarrhea. These organisms interfere with the absorption of food in the small intestine. The impact of food is not digested and then immediately go into the large intestine.

The food is not digested and absorbed in the intestine will draw water from the intestinal wall. On the other hand, in this situation the intestinal transit to be very short so that the water could not be absorbed by the colon. This is what causes watery diarrhea stools.

Actually, not only the colon emit excessive water but also electrolytes. Fluids and electrolytes lost through diarrhea can cause dehydration then. Dehydration is a life-threatening diarrhea.

In addition because of rotavirus diarrhea can also occur due to poor nutrition, allergies, intolerance to lactose, and so on. Infants and toddlers who have a lot of lactose intolerance because the body has no or only a few have a functioning enzyme to digest lactose contained lactose milk.

Not so with breastfed babies. Babies will not lactose intolerant because the milk contains lactose enzyme. In addition, ASI guaranteed clean because drunk straight without containers such as drinking milk formula with bottles and pacifiers.

Diarrhea can be a side effect of many drugs, especially antibiotics. In addition, the artificial sweetener ingredients sorbitol and mannitol are present in chewing gum and sugar-free products other cause diarrhea.

It occurs in children and young adults who have low and normal hormone function, normal vitamin levels and has no obvious cause of bone fragility.

Parents play a major role in determining the causes of child diarrhea. Infants and toddlers who are still breastfeeding exclusively breastfed are generally less diarrhea due to contamination from the outside. However, milk formula and complementary foods can be contaminated with bacteria and viruses.

Symptoms Diarrhea

Symptoms of diarrhea or diarrhea is watery stools with a frequency of 4 x or more a day, which is sometimes accompanied by:

  1. Vomiting
  2. Board lethargic or weak
  3. Hot
  4. No appetite
  5. Blood and mucus in feces
  6. Nausea and vomiting may precede diarrhea caused by viral infections. Infection can suddenly cause diarrhea, vomiting, bloody stools, fever, loss of appetite or lethargy.

Furthermore, it can also experience abdominal pain and stomach cramps, and other symptoms such gejal-flu as slight fever, muscle pain or cramps, and headaches. Disruption of bacteria and parasites occasionally cause stools contain blood or high fever.

Diarrhea can cause loss of fluids and electrolytes (eg sodium and potassium), so the baby becomes fussy or heart rhythm disturbances or brain hemorrhage.

Diarrhea is often accompanied by dehydration (lack of fluids). Only mild dehydration causes dry lips. Dehydration was causing wrinkled skin, eyes and a sunken fontanel (in infants aged less than 18 months). Severe dehydration can be fatal, usually lead to shock.

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