Cuban MOH Confirms Cholera Outbreak



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# 6519


Although earlier reports have indicated that the Cuban government has had little to say about the outbreak of diarrhea  (suspected to be Cholera) in Manzanillo (see Media: Reports Of Cholera In Cuba), today a notice from the Cuban Ministry of Health appears in the official newspaper of the the Cuban Communist Party; Diario Granma.


According to this release, there have now been 3 deaths - and as many as 1,000 cases of diarrhea - which they are blaming on contaminated of local supply wells and a variety of (mostly unnamed) pathogens. 


In this report they state that 53 cases have been diagnosed as Vibrio cholerae.


The following is a machine translation of the announcement.



Briefing Note

The Ministry of Health reports that in recent weeks has been reported in some areas, an increasing trend of diarrheal diseases, which has been influenced by high temperatures and heavy rains.


One of the provinces with the highest incidence is recorded Granma, with a majority of cases the municipality of Manzanillo, where there was an outbreak of gastrointestinal infection, transmitted by water, from contamination of several local supply wells, it which has been reporting by the media that territory.


They have treated about 1 000 patients, which has positively affected the active screening conducted more than 98% of the population of the municipality.


In the total patients seen, different germs have been identified and indicating the diagnosis of Vibrio cholerae in 53 cases, including 3 deaths seniors, 95, 70 and 66 years old with a history of chronic illness, what is added gastrointestinal infection, so it continues in the research rigor to determine the actual cause of death in each.


This outbreak is controlled city of Manzanillo and the trend is to reduce cases as a result of sanitary measures and anti-epidemic being implemented, among which are the sampling of private wells and state with the closure of the contaminated water supply chlorinated by conductive pipes and to the affected areas, the removal of water leaks, pit cleaning and sanitation and health education program to the population. It has the resources necessary for adequate patient care in all health institutions.


People are encouraged to comply with sanitary measures associated with personal hygiene, water and food.

Ministry of Public Health
July 2, 2012
"Year 54 of the Revolution"


Credit goes to an AFP (Agence France-Presse) report Cuba cholera outbreak kills Three  that mentioned the publication of the MOH statement, which allowed me to track it down.

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