# 5393
The World Health Organization today released an update with two human H5N1 infections (both fatal) which were reported by the Indonesian Ministry of Health over the past several days.
This brings the official toll in Indonesia to 174 known infections, and 144 deaths.
Avian influenza – situation in Indonesia - update
14 March 2011 - The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has announced 2 new but unrelated confirmed cases of human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus.
The first case is a 2 year old male from Depok City, West Java Province. He developed symptoms on 3 February, was admitted to a private clinic on 5 February and referred to a hospital on 6 February. He died on 6 February. Prior to his illness, sick and dead poultry were reported in the his neighborhood.
The second case is a 31 year old female from Bekasi City, West Java Province. She developed symptoms on 23 February, was admitted to a private clinic on 25 February and referred to a hospital on 28 February, where she received oseltamivir treatment. She died on 1 March. Initial investigations indicate the case visited a traditional market where live poultry were sold.
Laboratory tests have confirmed infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus.
Of the 174 cases confirmed to date in Indonesia, 144 have been fatal.
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