Indonesia: Another Suspected Bird Flu Fatality




# 4761



This morning we are hearing of a 24 year-old sand miner named Yenpa Yenti, from Padang, Indonesia who has died of suspected H5N1 infection. 




Thus far, this appears to be a clinical diagnosis, based on symptomology.  Laboratory confirmation will be required before we can be certain, as there are a number of other infectious diseases that can mimic H5N1. 


Ida at BFIC has this translation of an article that appeared in the local newspaper Era Baru.


Padang, West Sumatera ::: Bird flu suspect dies

Posted by Ida on July 28, 2010

Padang – A sand miner named Yenpa Yenti (24), resident of Kampung Sawah Taratak Mudiak Muaro Kalaban, Sawah Lunto, West Sumatera, allegedly died of H5N1 infection in M Djamil hospital, Padang, Wednesday (28/7).


Victim’s parent, Rosmaniar (60) described her son started to experience high fever and chill of hand and feet on 22 July.


Next, Rosmaniar brought Yenti to a local health worker, of where she was recommended to bring her son to Sawah Lunto hospital. Because medical team of Sawah Lunto hospital suspected bird flu infection on Yenti, victim was transferred to M Djamil hospital in Padang.


Yenti was admitted to M Djamil hospital on 24 July and placed in special unit until the death on 28 July.


Director of M Djamil hospital, Irayanti said Yenti was suspected of having bird flu infection with  symptoms such as fever up to 38℃ and breathing difficulty. Chest x-ray also showed evidence of lung infection. “According to patient’s parents, he had contact with chickens”, added Irayanti.

Yenpa Yenti is first fatal bird flu suspect patient in M Djamil hospital during 2010.

(Continue . . . )



We are seeing a bit of a an uptick in reporting on cases out of Indonesia in recent weeks.  Whether that reflects more cases, or simply an increased willingness to report on them, is difficult to know.


A few blogs concerning Indonesia’s bird flu problem during the month of July include:


Another Suspected Bird Flu Fatality In Indonesia
Recent Bengkulu Poultry Deaths Confirmed as H5N1
Forgotten, But Not Gone
Indonesia: MOH Confirms Bird Flu Fatality
Follow Up On Kalimantan Province Report


Meanwhile, SAIDR this morning is reporting the sad news that Egypt’s most recent H5N1 infection (see Egypt Announces 110th Bird Flu Case) has died.  My thanks to Lisa at CIDRAP for the head’s up on this report.

  • Date of report: 28 July 2010
  • Governorate: Qalyoubia
  • District: Not reported
  • Event summary: Woman, age not reported, was admitted to a hospital July 21 with bilateral pneumonia and was placed on mechanical ventilation. The MOH reported this was the 110th case of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Egypt in humans and the 35th human death from HPAI.
  • Source of report: Egypt Ministry of Health

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