# 5392
A report, posted by CopitoSp on FluTrackers this morning, indicates that a 13 month-old girl has tested positive for the H5N1 virus in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
This marks the 2nd known human infection in that country, the first being reported in 2008.
The Bangladeshi Institute for Epidemiology, Disease Control & Research (IEDCR) announced the case earlier today.
BDNews24 has the details in this recently updated report.
Mon, Mar 14th, 2011 6:27 pm BdST
Dhaka, Mar 14 (bdnews24.com) — The first case of human infection of avian influenza or bird flu this year has been detected in Dhaka, confirms the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR).
IEDCR director Mahmudur Rahman told bdnews24.com that the human infection was confirmed on Monday after testing the samples of saliva and nasal swab of a 13-month-old girl running temperature, who visited an influenza surveillance centre recently.
The surveillance centre is run jointly by the IEDCR and International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases and Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B), he said.
Family members of the child were also examined, said the IEDCR director, adding that the minor girl, undergoing treatment in IEDCR supervision, was out of danger.
Bangladesh has reported more than 400 outbreaks of avian flu among poultry since 2007, according to the OIE.
Event summary: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Bangladesh
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