Puerto Rico: Fewer Dengue Cases In Week 30


# 4827



After weeks of steady increases in Dengue Fever, Puerto Rico has posted a welcome decline in suspected and confirmed cases in their latest surveillance report (week 30).


The number of cases is still well above the epidemic threshold, however, so public health concerns haven’t abated. And the traditional height of their Dengue season (Sept-Nov) still lays before them.


Whether this is a sustainable trend, or simply a temporary blip in the data, is something we’ll have to wait to see.







An epidemic of Dengue was declared on the island after a spike in cases in February. 


Puerto Rico is no stranger to Dengue epidemics.  Dengue outbreaks are cyclical in the Caribbean, with steep rises in cases seen every 3 to 5 years.


This year is being compared to the massive Puerto Rican Dengue outbreak of 1998, which saw a similar early start.


For an extensive list of my blogs on Dengue and Mosquito Borne Diseases in Puerto Rico, Florida, and other regions you can select the DENGUE Quick Search here,  on my sidebar.

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