Branswell On The Reassortment Story


# 4657




From Helen Branswell of the Canadian Press tonight we get a terrific in depth review of the Hong Kong reassortment story that I blogged about earlier today.


Since nobody covers the flu beat better than Helen, I’m going to do the smart thing and simply step out of the way and recommended that you follow the link and read it in its entirety.



H1N1 swaps genes with other pig viruses;more surveillance need: Scientists


By: Helen Branswell, Medical Reporter, The Canadian Press

17/06/2010 4:12 PM

TORONTO - Scientists from Hong Kong are calling for ramped-up surveillance of pig populations after discovering a new swine flu virus that is a hybrid of the pandemic H1N1 virus and viruses previously found in pigs.


The discovery of the virus, found early this year in a pig taken to slaughter in Hong Kong, suggests what experts have feared: the H1N1 virus may reassort easily with other viruses in pigs.


That's a process that could generate new flu viruses that might have the capacity to sicken humans, they warned, noting two viruses high on the pandemic watch list — H5N1 and H9N2 — are occasionally found in swine in Asia.


Inherent in their report is a message flu experts know the world doesn't want to hear at this point: the mild H1N1 pandemic may be the opening act of a longer play.

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