Branswell On Expanded Surveillance For The Coronavirus



Coronavirus – Credit CDC PHIL

# 6743


Helen Branswell, ace health reporter for The Canadian Press, has an excellent look this morning at the reasons behind the World Health Organization’s request for enhanced global surveillance for the novel coronavirus recently detected in the Middle East.


Rather than detract from what is already a concise and informative report, I’ll simply step aside and invite you to read:



The Canadian Press - ONLINE EDITION

New coronavirus cases suggest source may be more widespread, WHO says

By: Helen Branswell, The Canadian Press

Posted: 3:02 AM |

Clues gleaned from the most recent infections with the new coronavirus are behind the World Health Organization's decision to warn countries to broaden their surveillance for cases, an expert with the agency says.


The Geneva-based global health body now believes the risk of exposure to the new virus may exist beyond Saudi Arabia and Qatar, so telling countries they need only look for sick people with travel or residency links to those countries may be misleading and counterproductive.

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