Publish or Perish The Thought?





# 6039


This morning Helen Branswell of the Canadian Press brings us the debate on the possibility that the NSABB may request a temporary moratorium on the publication of sensitive bird flu research projects until a new policy on such matters can be established.


You’ll find comments by a virtual who’s who of influenza virology, including Paul Keim of the NSABBMalik Peiris of the University of Hong Kong, Richard Webby from the WHO reference laboratory at St Judes Children's Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., Dr. Anthony Fauci director of NIAID, and Michael Osterholm, director of CIDRAP.


As with any story from Helen, the only sensible thing for this blogger to do is to step aside and invite you read the entire story at the link below.



Bird flu study controversy could lead to research chill

12/27/2011  | Helen Branswell, The Canadian Press

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