WHO Statement On Ukraine



# 4008


Buried deep in the text of the WHO’s Pandemic Update # 74 is the following tidbit regarding Ukraine.  Given the enormous amount of speculation on some websites regarding the outbreak in that nation, it deserves to be plucked out and highlighted.



Because of a sharp rise in pandemic influenza cases one week ago in Ukraine, the Ministry of Health requested assistance from WHO European Regional Office to evaluate and respond.



The initial analysis of information indicates that the numbers of severe cases do not appear to be excessive when compared to the experience of other countries and do not represent any change in the transmission or virulence of the virus.”


I doubt that this will do much to temper the wild stories, rumors, and theories about Ukraine permeating the Internet.  Those inclined to believe these sorts of stories will no doubt claim that the WHO is now complicit in hiding the truth. 


While I have no personal knowledge of what is going on in Ukraine, until I see something more credible than rumor or wild speculation, I’ll have to go with what the WHO and other agencies are saying.


Of course, if I do see something I find credible, I will print it.

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