China Reports 2 Dogs With H1N1



# 4091


A little over 2-weeks ago we saw a video report from CCTV (China Central Television) news that voiced concerns over the H1N1 virus species jumping to pigs, cats, and according to that report . . . even dogs (see China Worries Over Species Jumping H1N1).


Dogs are not normally thought of as able to contract `human flu’ – although if you blog about influenza long enough, you learn not to discount something simply because its never been seen before . . .


Cats, after all, we were not thought likely to be susceptible to the novel H1N1 virus  either . . .  until, that is, reports of infected cats began to come in a little over a month ago.


Followers of the avian influenza story, of course, know that dogs and cats have both been infected by the H5N1 virus.  


Dr. C.A. Nidom demonstrated in 2006 that of 500 cats he tested in and around Jakarta, 20% had antibodies for the bird flu virus.   For an overview of a number of other cases, see Apparently They Didn't Get The Memo.


We’ve not heard of dogs being infected by the H1N1 virus before, although there have been reports of dogs being infected by the H5N1 avian flu.   See also Study: Dogs Can Shed H5N1 Virus.


Of course, H5N1 is avian flu, with different receptor binding domains than human flu. 


Six months ago, many scientists would probably have opined that dogs could not catch this `human flu’.  With the recent discovery of the virus in cats, some veterinarians and scientists have modified that stance to it being `unlikely’ that dogs would be susceptible.


Those with a more cautious bent, however, have simply have stated that there’s been `no evidence of human-to-dog transmission of the H1N1 virus’.


Well . . . not until now, anyway.


Today, at least according to Chinese state run media, we’ve what appears to be confirmation of reports of dogs infected with the novel H1N1 virus, with this story (hat tip Treyfish on FluTrackers) from Xinhua news.


Which proves . . . when it comes to influenza, one is wise to never say never.




China urges intensified supervision on A/H1N1 flu in animals  2009-11-28 09:43:42

BEIJING, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- China's Ministry of Agriculture has called for intensified monitoring and investigation of A/H1N1 flu in animals after two samples from sick dogs were tested positive for the virus.


The veterinary clinic of College of Veterinary Medicine at the China Agricultural University reported Wednesday that two out of 52 samples from sick dogs were tested positive for A/H1N1 flu virus, the ministry said late Friday.


Analysis of genetic composition found the virus detected in the samples and those found on human A/H1N1 flu cases were 99 percent homologous, it said.


The ministry urged local authorities to further enhance prevention and control, intensify monitoring and investigation in animal cases of A/H1N1 flu and closely watch the virus mutation situation in animals.

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