Canada: Deciding What To Do With Surplus Vaccine



# 4090



Helen Branswell, medical and science correspondent for the Canadian Press, tonight has details on a decision that the Canadian government will soon have to make regarding excess  vaccine they have on order.


At some point – relatively soon – Canada will have enough vaccine delivered to accommodate those that are interested in getting the jab right now. 


While it sounds like a simple decision – to donate unused vaccine to developing countries – government officials must also decide how much vaccine to keep in reserve in the event of a resurgence of the virus next spring or summer.

Follow the link to read the entire article.




Feds expecting millions of unused H1N1 vaccines

By Helen Branswell - THE CANADIAN PRESS

Last Updated: 27th November 2009, 7:51pm

TORONTO — The federal government will make a decision in the next couple of weeks about what to do with what is expected to be tens of millions of unused doses of H1N1 vaccine, a spokesperson said Friday.


The admission came after Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq revealed the Public Health Agency of Canada will provide 5.7 million doses of pandemic vaccine to the provinces next week — a shipment which could in all likelihood fulfil the country’s H1N1 vaccine needs.


When that shipment is in place, more than 21.5 million doses of vaccine will have been made available across the country.


That’s enough to vaccinate nearly 64 per cent of Canadians — considerably more than have indicated a willingness to be immunized up until now.

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