What is the Right Treatment for Yeast Infection in the Penis?

Doctors, approximately 3 months I candida infection on the penis. At the beginning of the treatment I was given clotrimoxazole cream and hydrocortisone 1%. I want to ask if the treatment I received was appropriate or should I ask for other drugs such as nystatin? Because I am looking for information on the internet, how much of the information suggests the use nystatin cream. Thank you.
Fungal infections candida or candidosis at the head of the penis is a pretty disturbing situation, mainly due to itching. The use of antifungal creams such as klotrimasol, miconazol, ketokonasol, nystatin, etc. really helps eradicate the fungus.

The use of hydrocortisone in the case may be to eliminate the inflammation, but long-term use will lead to mold growth even more fertile.

The important thing to note is that candidosis more frequent in people with predisposing factors, namely internal and external factors that trigger the growth of fungi.

Predisposing factors such as humidity is high (due to not been circumcised, excessive physical activity), consumption of long-term antibiotics and corticosteroids, diabetes and lower the body's immunity. For a comprehensive treatment, predisposing factors of course controls is a must.

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