Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infection in

Increased estrogen while you are pregnant can cause vaginal mold. Fear? It's a way to prevent it.

During pregnancy, the hormone estrogen rise and cause the vagina to produce more glycogen, a type of carbohydrate that supports the growth of fungi. The symptoms are itching, burning feeling when you urinate, vagina lips and around him were red, sore when having sex, and there is a vaginal discharge that is odorless, white and sticky like cheese.

Treat with prescription drugs, which can include topical creams and tablets that is inserted into the vagina. Do not try to treat yourself, even if there are anti-fungal drugs are sold freely. Treatment needs to be done to their wives and husbands, to avoid the transmission of "ping pong" (back and forth).

Prevented by maintaining cleanliness around the vagina, wipe every small or large bowel, and dry with a clean towel handkerchief. In addition, change of underwear if it shows signs of symptoms of vaginal discharge. When using public restrooms, avoid using water straight from the spray that is in the toilet to avoid fungal contamination in the mouth sprayer. Just use wet wipes for washing genitals after I got home and rinse with water.

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