If you experience vaginal yeast infections in women for more than a week, you should seek medical help. Over-the-counter drugs are not likely to work for you. However, for the rest, you might want to try some homemade treatments easier.
Here are eight ways to treat yeast infection and make it a thing of the past.
1). Make a warm bath six inches of water, half a cup of salt and half a cup of vinegar ov. Then, sit in it for fifteen minutes with your knees apart. A mixture of salt and vinegar to balance pH levels and cure the yeast infection.
2) Garlic Powder. In addition to improving your immune system, garlic acts as an antibacterial and antifungal infections to mold. This will make it incompatible for your body.
3). Boil four cups of water, add eight to ten cinnamon sticks and simmer for five minutes. After that, remove and let it steep for forty-five minutes. Furthermore, let this be a warm cinnamon water. Then, use it as a douche. Cinnamon that will inhibit the growth of yeast.
4). Mix four teaspoons of vinegar with one quart of warm water. Then douche with it to adjust the pH balance in your vagina and make the infection go away.
5). Rub your pants crotch area with a few drops of Dawn dishwashing liquid before throwing it into the regular wash. This will kill the fungus Candida albicans in your pants.
6). Use a turkey baster to incorporate these products into the vagina. Culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus in the yogurt will kill your yeast.
7) A popular way to reduce the occurrence of fungal infection in the Dannon Yogurt is consumed every day. According to the study, you will reduce your chances of getting another yeast infection by three times.
8). After towel drying yourself, apply heat to the area languished you use this hairdryer. Remember. You need to keep at least your feet from sensitive areas. By eliminating moisture, will reduce your chances of getting a yeast infection.
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