Nature Editorial: Facing Up To Flu



BSL-4 Lab Worker - Photo Credit –USAMRIID



# 6130


Tying in with my last post (see Declan Butler: Lab flu may not aid vaccines), we’ve an editorial appearing today in Nature that calls into question the short-term benefits of so-called  `dual use’ H5N1 research.


Follow the link to read:


Nature | Editorial

Facing up to flu

Nature 482,131

(09 February 2012) doi:10.1038/482131a

Published online 08 February 2012

The potential for mutant-flu research to improve public health any time soon has been exaggerated. Timely production of sufficient vaccine remains the biggest challenge.

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I expect that we’ll see vigorous counterpunching on this issue in the not too distant future as both sides prepare for the meeting in Geneva next week.


Stay tuned.


The stakes here are extraordinarily high, the issues are complex, and I expect no shortage of fireworks.

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