# 5413
From the PHE.GOV Youtube Channel we’ve a couple of recently posted videos on radiation.
While brief (less than 2 minutes each) these videos provide a lot of good information in an easily absorbed format.
Related Post:
- Japan’s Earthquake: Learning from Megadisasters
- WHO Report On Radiation Exposure From Fukushima Reactor Accident
- Japan: Quake/Tsunami Risks Greater Than Previously Thought
- Japan Rattled By Series Of Quakes
- Academics Debate Odds Of Tokyo Earthquake
- A Different Kind Of Nuclear Fallout
- IAEA To Send Fact Finding Mission To Fukushima
- Japan: Hamaoka Nuclear Plant To Suspend Operations
- Japan: Govt. Call To Close The Hamaoka Nuclear Facility
- Fukushima: Brief Fire, 6.4 Aftershock & Severity Level To Be Raised
- Japan: SEEDS Earthquake SITREP # 13
- Japan: 7.1 Mag Aftershock
- Divining Japan’s Seismic Future
- 7.4 Mag Aftershock Hits Japan
- Disaster Relief Updates From Japan
- Miyagi: Tsunami Advisory After 6.5 Magnitude Aftershock
- Fukushima: Radiation Levels Soar At Reactor # 2 ?
- The IAEA Presentations Channel
- USGS: 6.4 Aftershock Rattles Northern Japan
- Nuke Agency: Reactor #3 Containment Function `Likely Damaged’
- Fukushima IAEA Updates: March 24th
- WHO: FAQs On Japan’s Nuclear Concerns
- Japan: OCHA SITREP # 12
- Prepping: It’s All About Timing
- Japan: 6.6 Magnitude Aftershock
- Estimating Fukushima’s Health Impact
- WHO Report On Radiation Exposure From Fukushima Reactor Accident
- BMJ: Another Reassuring Report On Cell Phones & Brain Cancer
- NHK News:`Widespread’ Strontium-90 Contamination In Fukushima
- Cutting Through The Fukushima Fog
- NSC: Fukushima Radiation Leak Underestimated
- Fukushima: A 10-Year Decommissioning Plan
- IAEA Briefing On Fukushima Severity Level
- Fukushima: Brief Fire, 6.4 Aftershock & Severity Level To Be Raised
- CDC Q&A On Radioactive Iodine In Milk
- NHK: Fukushima Leak `Appears To Be Lessening’
- CDC HAN Advisory: Fukushima Radiation Monitoring
- RadNet: The EPA’s Radiation Monitoring System
- Fukushima: Radiation Levels Soar At Reactor # 2 ?
- Nuke Agency: Reactor #3 Containment Function `Likely Damaged’
- Fukushima: Voluntary Evacuation Urged in 20km - 30km Radius Zone
- Fukushima IAEA Updates: March 24th
- WHO: FAQs On Japan’s Nuclear Concerns
- Fukushima: Monday Morning Roundup
- Japan Cites `Some Progress’ In Nuke Crisis
- IAEA: Japan Halts Sale Of Fukushima Area Food Products
- Japan: A Morning Roundup Of Nuke Reports
- Nuke: Power Line Connected, But May Not See Immediate Use
- High Radiation Readings 30 Km From Fukushima Facility
- Japan Raises Severity Of Fukushima Crisis
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