Indonesia: 4 Bird Flu Suspects Hospitalized







This morning - via Ida at BFICArkanoid Legent, and Dutchy at FluTrackers  - we have three reports which state that 4 of the 18 people being monitored with flu-like symptoms in the wake of a bird flu outbreak in South Sulawesi (see The Ongoing Bird Flu Flap In Indonesia) are now hospitalized.


At this point, laboratory confirmation of H5N1 infection has not been received, and these remain merely `suspect’ cases. 


The Indonesian government has displayed continued  reluctance to discuss their country’s bird flu problem  (see Indonesia To Stop Announcing Bird Flu Deaths) – so when or even if - we get official comment on this outbreak is hard to say.


We’ll start with a hat tip to Arkanoid Legent - who has developed into a terrific resource and one of the best news gathering sites in Flublogia. 


Indonesia : Four Patients Suspected Bird Flu

Another translated report from Liputan 6, bird flu patients in South Sulawesi :

" Makassar: Four suspected bird flu infected patients treated at Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Makassar, South Sulawesi. The information obtained is SCTV, on Wednesday (29 / 9), four patients consisted of two children and two adults. They are referrals from district hospitals Pinrang.


Pediatric patients is Savira origin and Andrian Soppeng District of Pinrang. Two other patients are from Novi and Nawir also Pinrang. Nawir and Andrew are still one family.


Although there is no further examination, doctors suspected bird flu because they suffer from high fever after dozens of dead pet chicken."



Ida at the Bird Flu Information Corner has this translation of a report that appeared in the Indonesian newspaper Tempo Interaktif.   This is just an excerpt, follow the link to read it in its entirety.



Makassar, South Sulawesi ::: Wahidin Sudirohusodo hospital treats bird flu suspects

Posted by Ida on September 29, 2010

Makassar – Four people are being treated in Inspection Center of Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, Wednesday 29/09. Those patients are residents of Kabupaten (municipal) Pinrang and Soppeng.


Three patients came from Jampue, Kecamatan Lanrisang, Kabupaten Pinrang, identified as Novi (17), Nawir (42) and Adrian (4-year-old). They were admitted to Lanrisang Pinrang hospital at 5,00 am before transferred to Makassar.


A 3-year-old girl, Safira, from Kabupaten Soppeng had been admitted to Wahidin Sudirohusodo hospital on the previous day.


The four patients are currently having high fever.


Director of Wahidin Sudirohusodo hospital, Andi Kalsum Patonangi said those patients were suspected to contract bird flu infection. However, hospital is still waiting laboratory confirmation of bird flu infection.


(Continue . . . )


And last, but certainly not least, we’ve this translation of a detikNews story by the indefatigable Dutchy  which indicates that the 17 year-old boy may be in the most serious condition, while the three others are slowly improving.


This translation is posted on this ongoing FluTrackers Thread.


Four Suspects Bird Flu Treated in Hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar

Muhammad Nur Abdurrahman - detikNews
Makassar - 4 residents Pinrang and Soppeng District, South Sulawesi, was treated in hospital intensive Wahidin Sudirohusodo DR, Makassar due to high fever.


The four were suspected suspect bird flu.


Two patients, namely Nawir (42), Adrian (4), derived from Sondra Village, District Jampue. Another patient Novi (17 yrs) from Samaule Village, District Lanrisang Pinrang. While the last patient Sapphire (3), toddlers origin Paroko Village, Sub District Lilirilau Soppeng.


All four are now isolated on the first floor space Inpection Center Hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo. The third patient from the previous Pinrang Lasinrang was treated in hospitals in Pinrang.


General & Operations Director RS Wahidin, Kalsum Patonangi, said the four patients had high fever. In the neighborhood around his house, found hundreds of dead birds.


"At this time the blood samples of patients still in the examination in the laboratory," said Kalsum.
Kalsum add three patients, in addition to patient Novi, conditions are slowly improving. However the three should still be monitored in a special room Inspection Center.


My gratitude goes to these three newshounds - along with dozens of others - who work tirelessly in and around Flublogia to find, translate, and post these stories.  


Much of what I do here is dependant upon their fine efforts – which is why I hat tip them at every opportunity.


For now, it still isn’t clear whether any of these patients are infected with the H5N1 virus, and if so, how they may have contracted it. Hopefully more details will emerge over the next couple of days. 


The newshounds on the Flu forums (see Newshounds: They Cover The Pandemic Front) will keep this under close watch, and you can be sure that Crof, Arkanoid Legent, BFIC, Chen Qi and I will, as well.


Stay tuned.

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