# 4920
Earlier this summer the CDC published their proposed Flu Infection Control Guidance, soliciting comments and recommendations from interested parties (see CDC: Proposed Influenza Infection Control Guidance).
Two major concerns of HCWs (Health Care Workers) was the issue of whether flu shots should be mandatory, and a decision on what type of mask (surgical or N95 respirator) should be used for routine care of flu cases.
Despite calls from several major Infectious disease organizations (IDSA, SHEA, AAP), the CDC stopped short of recommending that flu shots be mandatory for HCWs.
Surgical masks were deemed appropriate for routine care of flu patients, although N95s are still recommended for certain higher risk procedures.
Rather than re-invent the wheel, I’ll simply provide you with a link to the new guidance, and refer you to Lisa Schnirring’s excellent coverage at CIDRAP.
CDC finalizes flu prevention guidance for health settings
Lisa Schnirring
Staff Writer
Sep 20, 2010 (CIDRAP News) – The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently issued new guidance for preventing flu in healthcare settings that reflects a year's worth of new information about the 2009 H1N1 virus and recommends surgical masks rather than N-95 respirators when providing routine care for flu patients.
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