Referral: Medscape - 10 Valuable Lessons From The Pandemic


# 4651



An overview of lessons learned from the pandemic of 2009 by Dr John G. Bartlett, Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland appeared in Medscape Infectious Diseases yesterday.


Dr. Bartlett provides 10 `valuable lessons’ that we can take from the past twelve months.  


This is a good article, and rather than try to excerpt any part of it, I’ll simply suggest you follow the link below and read it in its entirety.


Access requires (free) Membership to Medscape.   A hat tip to Tetano on FluTrackers for passing on this link.


John Bartlett's Postmortem on 2009 H1N1 (Influenza A): 10 Valuable Lessons

John G. Bartlett, MD

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