World Health Day



# 4474




April 7th has been designated by the World Health Organization as World Health Day, and as such, events and activities will take place in thousands of cities, regions, and organizations around the globe over the next five days.


The theme this year is  1,000 Cities, 1,000 Lives, which focuses on the special health challenges to be found in urban environments.


Their goals are described as:


  • 1000 cities: to open up public spaces to health, whether it be activities in parks, town hall meetings, clean-up campaigns, or closing off portions of streets to motorized vehicles.
  • 1000 lives: to collect 1000 stories of urban health champions who have taken action and had a significant impact on health in their cities.


Thus far, more than 1,300 cities have signed up to participate.  Some of the resources available on the WHO World Health Day Page include:


World Health Day 2010 logotypes
- Toolkit for event organizers

Register your city or event now
- 1000 cities: open streets to people
- 1000 lives: share the story of local health champions
- About this year's theme



How to prepare for open streets, promotional and public service announcement videos


Pdf format


High resolution photographs for promotional use.

Over 1300 cities have now joined the campaign!

Join the global movement to make cities healthier

:: 1000 cities, 1000 lives
Go to the campaign social media site

You can also follow the campaign on:

Facebook | YouTube


The World Health Organization has a news release on their site today regarding urban health and this year’s campaign.


Urban health is of growing importance worldwide

7 April 2010 -- With the majority of human beings now living in cities, good urban health is essential for more and more people. Urban health, the theme of this year's World Health Day, includes both opportunities and threats for health. WHO is highlighting actions to improve urban health in cities around the globe.

View the photo story on urban health

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