Referral: Interview With Dr. Michael Greger


# 4219



I am an unabashed fan of Dr. Michael Greger, as is evidenced by my somewhat frequent mentions of his book, and his DVDs in this blog. 


Greger’s  book – Bird Flu: A Virus of Our Own Hatching  - is freely available online, and was one of my earliest influences when I began blogging about the H5N1 threat.


While I can’t claim to be a vegan, I have cut down on my meat consumption since reading his book, and watching his videos.  Frankly, after viewing this material, it’s hard to look at chicken and pork quite the same way.


Today, in the Huffington Post, Kathy Freston interviews Dr. Greger about the potential of seeing a more virulent pandemic arise from factory farming practices.


First an excerpt (slightly reparagraphed for readability) and a link to the interview, then some additional video resources from Dr. Greger.



Flu Season: Factory Farming Could Cause A Catastrophic Pandemic

An Interview with Dr. Michael Greger


I was intrigued (and disturbed) by a book I just read online -- -- by Michael Greger, M.D. about the potential of a deadly flu pandemic, the likes of which we have never seen. Greger very clearly delineates how a virus begins, mutates, and becomes dangerous.


As with so many problems we are seeing lately -- environmental or health -- factory farmed meat seems to be a big part of the cause. A graduate of the Cornell University School of Agriculture and the Tufts University School of Medicine, Michael Greger, M.D., serves as Director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture at The Humane Society of the United States.


An internationally recognized lecturer, he has presented at the Conference on World Affairs, the National Institutes of Health, and the International Bird Flu Summit, testified before Congress, and was an expert witness in defense of Oprah Winfrey at the infamous "meat defamation" trial.


His recent scientific publications in American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Biosecurity and Bioterrorism, Critical Reviews in Microbiology, and the International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition, and Public Health explore the public health implications of industrialized animal agriculture.


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You’ll also find a damning assessment of factory farming techniques in Dr. Michael Greger’s most recent video, available online, called Flu Factories.

Dr. Michael Greger Lecture

Dr. Michael Greger Lecture


And in a somewhat older (2007) video, Dr. Greger gives his Bird Flu: A Virus Of Our Own Hatching - lecture based on his critically acclaimed book on bird flu.   


All of these eye-opening resources are highly recommended. 

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