Indonesia: 19 H5N1 Deaths In 2009



# 4202



Via Ida at BFIC (Bird Flu Information Corner)  –a  joint venture between Kobe University in Japan and the Institute of Tropical Disease, Airlangga University, Indonesia – we get this translation of the first confirmation of human H5N1 infections and deaths out of Indonesia for 2009.


Indonesia has adopted a policy of only rarely providing updates (the last was in January) of the total number of Human infections from bird flu.   


According to this report, 19 of 20 known cases died.



Indonesia ::: H5N1 situation update 2009

December 30, 2009

Since 1 January to 28 December 2009, a total 20 H5N1 cases reported in Indonesia. Of those confirmed cases, 19 have been fatal. First H5N1 case was reported from Bogor on 9 January, and latest was reported from South Jakarta on 23 September 2009.


Total cumulative number of H5N1 in Indonesia since 2005 to 2009 is 161 with 134 deaths.


This information is broadcasted by Public Communication Center, General Secretary Ministry of Health. Further information is available at: phone 021-52907416-9, fax 52921669, call center 021-30413700, or e-mail,,


Source: Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia.

South Jakarta and Bogor, Java, Indonesia






The World Health Organization continues to show no cases out of Indonesia for 2009, with its last update on December 21st.  Of course, they can report only what Indonesia reports to them.


WHO Totals 2009


How close this newly admitted number is to reality is unknown. 


Despite the news blackout, we’ve seen dozens of unconfirmed reports over the past year of `suspected’ human H5N1 infections in the Indonesian press.


A 95% CFReven in Indonesia – is an astoundingly high number. 


One has to assume there are probably other, unreported cases out there, that hopefully would bring down that CFR. 

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