Nov 2nd Is World Pneumonia Day





# 3923


Tomorrow, Monday November 2nd, is the first annual World Pneumonia Day which seeks to increase greater awareness and response to a treatable disease that kills 2 million children every year.


Pneumonia, as a cause of death in children, has largely been defeated in the developed world with the help of antibiotics and vaccines such as the Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) and Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines.


But in developing countries around the world, pneumonia continues to take a terrible toll.
 brings together an impressive coalition of partners. 


The World Pneumonia Day Coalition is comprised of over 50 organizations including international NGO’s, faith-based groups, academic and medical institutions, professional societies, charitable and advocacy groups and developing country organizations. The Coalition receives technical support from the Centers for Disease Control and Unicef. We welcome new members.

If your organization would like to join the Global Coalition Against Pneumonia: Click here.


There are a variety of social media  tools, videos, and resources available on the  website.


Buttons: Use some of these button templates to make your own button to wear on November 2 and spread the word about World Pneumonia Day.

Fact Sheets and Key Messages: Use these quick and easy information sheets to learn more about who pneumonia is affecting and how we can stop it.  These facts are great things to tell friends, post on your blog, tweet on twitter or put on your social networking profile.

Logos and Flyers: Use one of our logos on your blog or facebook page!  We’ve got a great flyer about wearing blue jeans on November 2.  Pass it around to your office!

Maps & Other Links: These maps show the global disease burden and where life-saving vaccines are available.  These are fabulous visual references to show the global impact of pneumonia and vaccines.

Ressources en Français: Key messages about the disease burden, prevention, protection and treatment in French.  Also, for francphone countries, we have the the World Pneumonia Day Logo in French.

Slides: Find ideas and tips for commemorating World Pneumonia Day, and learn about the activities other countries are planning

Videos: These short video clips are great advocacy and education tools.  Pass them around to friends, family and colleagues.

Web Banner Ads: Show your support for World Pneumonia Day by installing one of our advertisements to your Web site, blog, or social networking profile.


Another great resource can be found at Save The Children, which is a coalition partner in World Pneumonia Day.   




You can do your part, by donating to any of the agencies around the world working to help eradicate this treatable scourge in children, such as CARE, SAVE THE CHILDREN, or UNICEF.


You can also show your support by using the social media tools to spread awareness.

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