Pneumonia is actually not a new disease. Pneumonia in 1936 became the number one cause of death in America. The use of antibiotics, making the disease can be controlled a few years later. But in 2000, a combination of pneumonia and influenza reignited.
In Indonesia, pneumonia is the number three cause of death after cardiovascular and tuberculosis. Socioeconomic factors that enhance the low mortality rate. Pneumonia cases found to be most common in children under five. According to the WHO, about 800,000 to 1 million children die each year from pneumonia. Even UNICEF and the World Health Organization has pneumonia as the cause of death of children under five highest, surpassing other diseases such as measles, malaria, and AIDS.
Pneumonia is an infection that causes inflammation of the lungs. Air sacs in the lungs called alveoli filled with pus and fluid that becomes less ability to absorb oxygen. Lack of oxygen makes the body's cells can not work. Because of this, in addition to the spread of infection throughout the body, the patient can die of pneumonia. Actually pneumonia is not a single disease. The causes can vary, and there are 30 known sources of infection with the primary source of bacteria, viruses, mikroplasma, mushrooms, various chemicals and particles.
Pneumonia is an acute infection of the tissues of the lungs (alveoli). The occurrence of pneumonia in children often goes together with the acute infection of the bronchi (called bronchopneumonia). Symptoms of this disease such as rapid breathing and shortness of breath, because suddenly inflamed lung. Limit the frequency of fast breathing is breathing 50 times per minute or more in children aged 2 months to less than 1 year, and 40 times per minute or more in children aged 1 year to less than 5 years. In children under the age of 2 months, no known diagnosis of pneumonia.
Severe pneumonia characterized by cough or (accompanied) difficulty breathing, shortness of breath or chest wall drawing down to the children aged 2 months to less than 5 years. In this age group is also known for very severe pneumonia with symptoms of cough, difficulty breathing accompanied by symptoms of central cyanosis and can not drink. As for children under 2 months, severe pneumonia characterized by respiratory frequency of 60 times per minute or more, or (accompanied) strong withdrawal to the chest wall into the bottom.
According to specialists lungs RSIA Hermina Jatinegara, Dr. Bambang Supriyatno SpA (K), the fundamental difference between pneumonia with TB lies in the type of infecting microorganisms. '' Pneumonia in the community generally, caused by bacteria, viruses or mycoplasma (an intermediate form between bacteria and viruses),'' he said. Bambang said the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae is a common, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella sp, Pseudomonas sp. Meanwhile, viruses such as influenza virus. "At TBC, type of infecting microorganism is mikrobakterium tuberculosis,'' he continued. The vulnerability of children affected by the disease pneumonia generally due to a weak or incomplete immune system toddler. Therefore, microorganisms or germs more easily penetrate the body's defenses.
Types of pneumococcus bacteria or pneumokok increasingly popular recently as more dikenalnya disease Invasive Pneumococcal Disease (IPD). In addition to pneumonia, including the IPD brain (meningitis) or blood infection (bacteremia). "In the pneumonia caused by bacteria pneumokok, often cause complications and result in patients affected by meningitis or bacteremia as well," he said.
A pediatrician from RSAB Harapan Kita, Dr. Attila Dewanti pneumokok SpA explained that bacteria can enter through infection in the mouth and throat, through the mucosal tissue and into the blood vessel, the blood flow to the lungs and lining of the brain. "The result is inflammation of the lining of the lungs and the brain," he added.
Symptoms especially fever, shortness of breath, rapid breathing and pulse, or greenish phlegm like rubber, and the results of X-ray showed the density in the lung. Density is because lungs filled with inflammatory cells and fluid that is a reaction of the body to kill germs. But consequently, impaired lung function, patients have difficulty breathing, because it left no room for oxygen.
However, the initial symptoms are often quite simple to make parents less vigilant against the disease. "Parents often come too late to bring her son to the doctor. Because the initial symptoms of fever and cough, parents often treat their own home with regular medication, have been crowded recently taken to the doctor, "said Atilla. So the doctor spesialins child neurology section should declare this when children high fever and cough, get to the doctor to search out the cause.
Diagnosis and Treatment
The diagnosis of pneumonia is done in various ways. First a general physical examination. After that there are penunjuang such as chest X-ray examination and blood tests. Handling pneumonia can be done in several ways. Generally, the treatment with antibiotics. "People with pneumonia can be cured when given antibiotics according to the type of bacteria, only need high doses and long-time," said Atilla.
However, the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae from resistant or immune to some types of antibiotics. Even the Asia expressed as a hot zone, ie, areas with high levels of resistance to bacterial pneumokok. Therefore, when faced severe pneumonia, the handling is also done by hospitalization. With special care in the hospital, patients can get more rest and intensive treatment, or even oxygen therapy as a supporter. In addition, people with pneumonia also need plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. This fluid can be obtained by drinking lots of water and through an IV.
For pneumonia by the virus is currently no specific guidelines, although some antiviral drugs have been used. Most patients can be treated at home. Usually doctors who deal with pneumonia will have the appropriate medications, respectively, after the patient's temperature returned to normal, the doctor will instruct advanced treatment to prevent recurrence. Its next attack could be more severe than the first. In addition to antibiotics, patients will also receive additional treatment in the form of the pattern of food and oxygen to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood.
In some cases, Atilla explained that pneumonia is experiencing complications that can leave many side effects. "Children can have many side effects such as interference intelligence, motor development, hearing loss and speech delay," he said. However, Bambang still ensure that children with pneumonia can also be cured and live normally.
Pneumonia disease control the focus of the program P2ISPA (Communicable Disease Acute Respiratory Infection). The program sought to terms pneumonia known to the public, to facilitate outreach activities and dissemination of information about handling. P2ISPA program classifies patients into 2 age groups. That is, under the age of 2 months (Pneumonia and Non-Pneumonia weight) and the age of 2 months to less than 5 years.
Classification of Non-pneumonia include cough five groups of people who did not show an increase in the frequency of respiratory symptoms and do not indicate a withdrawal of the chest wall into the bottom. ISPA disease outside of pneumonia include common colds, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and otitis. Classic phrase that "prevention is better than cure" is really relevant to the disease pneumonia. Given that treatment more difficult, mainly related to the increasing resistance of bacterial pneumonia, the prevention measures are recommended.
IPD prevention of diseases, including pneumonia, can be done by vaccination or pneumococcal vaccine is also known as IPD. According to Atilla who also served in a special clinic children RSAB our expectations, the opportunity to prevent pneumonia vaccine IPD is around 80-90%.
As for the ideal time IPD vaccine, according to Atilla explanation is 4 times, namely when the baby was 2 months, 4 months, 6 months and repeated again at 12 months of age. Atilla confirm that the vaccine is safe and can be given simultaneously with other vaccines such as Hib, MMR and Hepatitis B.
In addition to immunization, prevention of pneumonia, according to Bambang is to maintain a balance of child nutrition. "In addition, an effort so that children have a good immune system, among others, by the way also sporting enough rest," he explained.
Bacterial Pneumonia by
Triggered bacterial pneumonia can attack anyone, from infancy to old age. Actual cause of bacterial pneumonia is the most common is Streptococcus pneumoniae in healthy human esophagus. Once the body's defenses down by sickness, old age, or malnutrition, the bacteria multiply quickly and cause damage. Whole lung tissue filled with fluid and infection quickly spread throughout the body via the bloodstream.
Patients infected with pneumonia will be high fever, sweating, panting, and his heart rate increased rapidly. Lips and nails may turn blue due to lack of oxygen the body. In the case of eksterm, patients will be chills, teeth bergemelutuk, chest pain, and coughing when the green slime. Before too late, the disease is still treatable. Even for preventive vaccine has been available.
Pneumonia by virus
Half of the estimated incidence of pneumonia caused by a virus. Nowadays more and more viruses were identified. Although most of these viruses attack the upper respiratory tract, especially in children, this interference can lead to pneumonia. Fortunately, most types of pneumonia is not severe and recovered in a short time.
However, when infection occurred simultaneously with the influenza virus, interference can cause serious and sometimes death, virus that infects the lungs will breed even though no visible fluid-filled lung tissue. Symptoms of pneumonia by the same with influenza virus, include fever, dry cough headache, pain throughout the body. And weary, for 12-136 hours, breathing becomes congested, cough more severe and result in a number of mucus. High fever sometimes make lips turn blue.
Mycoplasma Pneumonia
These different types of pneumonia symptoms and physical signs of pneumonia when compared with the general. Therefore, suspected pneumonia caused by a virus that is not found often called pneumonia that is not typical (Atypical Penumonia). Mycoplasma can not be classified as viruses or bacteria, although it has characteristics of both. Pneumonia resulting degree is usually mild and widespread. Mycoplasma attack all types of ages. But most often in young men and young adolescents. The death rate is very low, even in the untreated.
The most common symptoms are severe coughing, but with a little mucus. Fever and chills only appear at the beginning, and in some patients could be nausea and vomiting. New weakness disappeared for a long time.
Other Types of Pneumonia
Included in this group are Pneumocystitis pnumonia carinii (PCP) which is thought to be caused by fungi, PCP usually be early signs of disease in people with HIV / AIDS. PCP can be treated in most cases. This disease could reappear a few months later, but the treatment will prevent or menundah recurrence. Another more rare pneumonia caused by the entry of food, liquids, gases, dust or mold. Rickettsia-entry group also between viruses and bacteria-causing Rocky Mountain fever, Q fever, typhoid, and psittacosis. These diseases also interfere with the function of the lungs, but TB eyebrows tuberculosis pneumonia is a lung infection most dangerous unless dioabati early.
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