How To Prevent Pneumonia In Children

A Works Progress Administration poster describes pneumonia as a large man-eating shark led by pilot fish, the common cold. This is a very apt description as pneumonia can assume proportions monster shark, sometimes much more frightening. And also the fact that in the majority of cases of the common cold is the most likely cause. This terrible disease was first described by Hippocrates called pneumonia disease "named by the ancients". Pneumonia is the leading cause of death in low-income countries and, according to the World Health Organization, pneumonia caused the death of three newborns. Effective treatment is hampered by the fact that there is relatively low awareness of the disease. So, in many cases when people seek medical help, the disease will take root. To address this lack of awareness, 2 November has been declared as World Pneumonia Day so that policy makers and the concerned person can formulate a strategy against this disease. The disease is very common among children and so it is very important that parents and guardians familiarize themselves with pneumonia. This not only makes them more aware of the disease but will also help them in taking steps to prevent pneumonia in children. To find out how you can prevent pneumonia in children read below.

How To Prevent Pneumonia In Children

  1.  Teach your children good hygiene. Make sure they wash their hands before eating and after using the toilet. Children also have to learn to wash their hands after sneezing and handle all other unhygienic.
  2. Do not smoke near children. Also, keep your kids from people who smoke. Tobacco smoke reduces lung's ability to ward off infections. It can also damage the body's natural defense system and also increases the risk of infection by pneumonia.

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